Articles Just for Mom and Dad
Raising Smart Shoppers
The Secret to Money-Smart Kids? Start Young

How to Talk to Young Kids About Money

Money-Smart Games for the Whole Family

Money Milestones

Countdown to College: It's Never too Early to Start Saving

Allowance and Your Child

Outsmarting Kids Commercials

A Parent's Introduction to M3
For many parents, teaching kids about money is not something that comes naturally. Yet, for most kids, their first exposure to financial education comes from their parents. How's that for pressure?
There's no need to worry because your Credit Union is here to help. With our M3 Money Club for Kids, your child can learn about money in a fun and engaging manner. All content was developed with one goal in mind: provide kids with the tools they need to learn the basics of saving and spending money.
In addition, we have resources for mom and dad too! The articles (listed on the left column) cover a wide range of important topics for parents interested in raising money-smart kids.
Savings federally insured to at least $250,000; IRAs are insured separately up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the U.S. Government